ADAM: A surface reflectance DAtabase for ESA's earth observation Missions.
The ADAM database has been created to address current and future mission requirements for a global surface
spectral Bi-directional reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) database of the land, sea and permanent
ice sheets. The database covers the entire wavelength spectrum from 240-4000nm at 1nm spectral sampling
with a monthly time-step and at 0.1° x 0.1° spatial resolution.
The generated products are foreseen to be used by current and future passive and active Earth Observation
missions from Ultra Violet (UV), Visible (VIS), Near-Infra-Red (NIR) and Short-Wave-Infra-Red (SWIR) with
the scope of improving radiative transfer simulations and inversions and assessing new sensor performances.
The ADAM is a project funded by ESA General Studies Programme involving seven partners (contract number 102979)
TN 5: Description of the web interface.
Structure of the ADAM input surface database and output products.
Final_Report: A surface reflectance
Database for ESA's earth observation Missions (ADAM)
The ADAM paper describing the database and API and their evaluation can be accessed at:
About ADAM Products
ADAM Products
The objective of the ADAM project is to generate narrow-band Earth surface reflectances over
the spectral domain ranging from 240 nm to 4000 nm (with 1nm spectral resolution) and in any
observation geometry.
This has been achieved by producing:
a database of gridded monthly climatologies of:
normalized reflectances in the seven spectral bands of the MODIS instrument over land
chlorophyll concentration and wind speed over ocean
a stand-alone calculation package that allows the computation of the Earth surface reflectance in any
narrow-band / observation geometry using the datasets described above as input
ADAM Database
The main ADAM products consist of climatologies of:
Over ocean:
monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2 (1999-2009). It is used to compute the water
reflectance which shows large spectral variations but is significant only in the visible
spectral range.
monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT (1999-2009). It is used to estimate the
sun-glint and
the foam contributions.
Over land:
monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands derived from FondsdeSol
processing chain of MOD09A1 product, derived from MODIS observations onboard Terra/Aqua.
uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized
surface reflectance. This is used by the spectral interpolation procedure to derive the spectral
variation of the uncertainty on the land surface reflectance.
The ADAM climatology over land is representative of year 2005. Sea ice pixels (masked in the
original MOD09A1 products) have been accounted for by a gap-filling approach relying on the
spatial-temporal distribution of sea ice coverage provided by the CryoClim
climatology for year 2005.
These products feed the ADAM calculation tools in the form of gridded data at 0.1° spatial resolution (Plate
Carree projection) and for 12 months, provided in NetCDF files.
ADAM Calculation Toolkit (API)
The ADAM calculation tools relies on the following principles:
over ocean, the surface reflectance is generated by the combination of (i) foam
reflectance, (ii) water column reflectance, and (iii) specular reflectance. The spectral
variation of the water column reflectance is mostly a function of the chlorophyll
concentration, at least over the open ocean (i.e. excluding coastal areas).The directional
variation of ocean reflectance is mostly a function of wind speed.
over land, the normalized reflectance in the seven narrow MODIS bands are first
extrapolated over the full spectral domain (0.24-4 µm). For soil/vegetation pixels, it is
performed using EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Functions) derived from spectral reflectance
measurements; The Ross-Li-Maignan kernel based BRDF model is then used to calculate the
reflectance spectrum in any observation geometry. A specific processing is applied for snow
covered surfaces: it relies on the ART model fitted to the MODIS normalized reflectances to
simulate the spectro-directional variations of snow reflectance.
Moreover, it is possible to calculate the uncertainty attached to land surface reflectance:
the calculation of the uncertainty related to the spectral extrapolation relies on the
variance covariance matrix of the reflectance values between the seven MODIS bands for each
0.1°x0.1° pixel; the calculation of the uncertainty related to the directional model is
performed using a priori estimates of the uncertainty on the directional parameters.
This project was financed by the ESA General Studies Programme under contract number 102979.
The gridded ADAM climatologies derive from the following remote sensing products / instruments:
The main ADAM gridded climatology products is provided at 0.1° spatial resolution for 12
months in a netCDF file. The standard projection is Plate Carrée (used by the API).
Additionnally, the ADAM climatology is also available for download (only) in Sinusoidal
Database content
The main ADAM products consist of climatologies of:
Over land:
monthly normalized surface reflectances in the 7 MODIS narrow spectral bands. The climatology
derives from
processing chain using
MODIS MOD09A1 products at 500 m.
The reference year is 2005. Data from year 2006 have been used for gap filling over snow
for non-sunlit areas in winter. The sea ice
coverage is accounted for based on the CryoClim
climatology for year 2005 (osisaf-nh and osisaf-sh products); a gap-filling
procedure have been performed in order to represent
realistic surface reflectance in the seven MODIS bands for these snow cover pixels that were
masked in the original MOD09A1 products. A sun
zenith angle of 45° is considered in FondsDeSol to calculate the normalized reflectance.
uncertainty variance-covariance matrix for the 7 spectral bands associated to the normalized
surface reflectance.
Over ocean:
monthly chlorophyll concentration derived from SeaWiFS-OrbView-2
available at 9km.
monthly wind speed derived from SeaWinds-QuikSCAT available at 0.25°.
For both datasets, the ADAM ocean climatology consists in monthly averaged values estimated over the
period 1999-2009. Gaps over small lakes and for
coastline pixels have been filled and described in the products quality flag.
ADAM Database
Database format
The file formats of the ADAM database are NetCDF4/ HDF5.
Given the range of variation for the variables:
REF_LAND: [0; 1];
WIND_SPEED: [0; 35.1] m/s;
CHLORO_CONC: [0; 94.14] mg/m3.
and their expected accuracy (defined by the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of their range
of variation, divided by the number of bits used
for coding), these variables are stored as short integers (1 byte).
The variance-covariance data provided in 12 separate files are stored in float (32 bytes).
Additionally, the ADAM products file contains the geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) of each grid
cell. They are stored as float (2 bytes).
Reflectance data
The data ref_land are packed and coded in short integer. The unpacking of reflectance data has to
be performed using the following formula: ref= (ref_packed) * scale_factor
with scale_factor = 0.0001 Missing data in the packed array are attributed the value -8421.
The ref_land variable is of dimension [12,7,1800,3600].
Chlorophyll concentration data
The data chloro_conc are packed and coded in short integer. The unpacking of chlorophyll
concentration data has to be performed using the following formula: scale_factor = 0.00143645815072645 add_offset = 47.0684242248535 chloro_conc = chloro_conc * scale_factor + add_offset Missing data in the packed array are attributed the value -32768.
The chloro_conc variable is of dimension [12,1800,3600].
Wind speed data
The data wind_speed are packed and coded in short integer. The unpacking of wind speed data has to
be performed using the following formula: ws = (ws_packed) * scale_factor + add_offset
with scale_factor = 5.296775899e-4 and add_offset = 17.75595. Missing data in the packed array are attributed the value -32768.
The wind_speed variable is of dimension [12,1800,3600].
ADAM Database
Database Downloads
Downloading the database can be performed either using the 'Data Download' tool,
suitable for extractions over a specfic region and month, or by downloading the entire
dataset in a zipfile.
The entire, raw ADAM Database for all months, including support files, can be downloaded from here. This is a required download for using the ADAM API Toolkit locally.
The entire, raw ADAM Database can also be downloaded in Sinusoidal projection from here.
The Digital Elevation Model including elevation, slope, aspect and hill-shading can be downloaded from here. It is presented in the same resolution as the
ADAM data (0.1°). The original dataset is available at
The GlobAlbedo Validation Dataset can be downloaded from
ADAM Toolkit
The theoretical principles stand-alone ADAM calculation tools that allow the computation of the Earth surface
reflectances over the 300-4000 nm spectral range in any observation geometry for the discriminating processing
of the land, ocean, and snow, surfaces, are described in an Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
The use of the toolkit is further described in the Using
the API section.
Product Quality Information
Quality flags
The quality flag associated to the gridded input data contains information on whether pixels have been
gap-filled or not.
The quality flag is coded in short integer where:
0 indicates no gap-filling
1 indicates gap-filling for chloro_conc data only
2 indicates gap-filling for wind_speed data only
3 indicates gap-filling for chloro_conc and wind_speed data
4 indicates coastline pixels considered as land (i.e. reflectance values in the 7 MODIS bands are
provided) for which the contribution of water may not be negligible
5 indicates snow pixels over polar regions that have been gap filled
6 indicates land pixels (snow) which reflectance values has been clipped to 1.1
7 indicates gap-filling for ref_land data over sea ice (i.e. corresponding to pixels
identified as sea ice in the CryoClim products).
The map of the quality flag for January is illustrated below:
ADAM product quality assumptions and limitations
It must be well understood that the ADAM Tools does not attempt to generate exact value for any given day and
time, but only realistic values of the Earth's surface reflectances (and associated errors for the land
surfaces). Indeed, the use of monthly climatologies (using some gap filling procedures) precludes the
possibility to correctly account for finer temporal variations of the surface state. Accordingly, the
gap-filling performed over sea ice does not allow representing the real spatio-temporal variability of sea ice
optical properties. The climatology of normalized surface reflectance over land is representative of
Ocean spectral reflectance
Because the wind speed is highly variable in time, the modelling of the glint reflectance can only provide a
realistic value. There is no attempt to generate an exact value for a given day and time. This must be well
understood when using the ADAM tool over the ocean.
The foam reflectance is assumed isotropic in the absence of relevant knowledge. As for the glint, the foam
reflectance is very much a function of wind speed, which is a very variable parameter while ADAM uses a monthly
climatology. Therefore, the foam parameterization is only designed to provide a realistic value, but certainly
not an accurate value for a given place and time.
Uncertainty estimation for soil/vegetation pixels
Let σs be the uncertainty associated to the spectral extrapolation procedure and
σd the uncertainty associated to the directional model. The total uncertainty
σt on the simulated spectro-directional reflectance is the square root of the sum
of σs2 and σd2
Note that the spectral uncertainty accounts for the spectral modelling error and for the spatio-temporal
variability of the surface reflectance within 0.1° resolution and within the time period considered for
aggregation (one month).
BRDF modelling
Soil and vegetation
As revealed by an analysis of LIDAR observations from CALIPSO at 532 nm over land, the reflectance increase
simulated by the BRDF model in the backscatter direction is overestimated over barren surfaces and
underestimated over forests.
Snow mixed pixels
ADAM-V3 climatology over snow has a tendency to provide high reflectance values in the blue-green bands,
exceeding 1.1 which could be overestimated with respect to "reality". The application of the spectral
extrapolation (the spectral shape being constrained by a radiative transfer model) tends to smooth out this
The modelling of the spectral BRDF for mixed pixels composed of snow and non-snow elements (vegetation and soil)
is complex and has received little attention so far. The scattering properties of snow and vegetation/soil
surfaces are very different: for soil/vegetation, the BRDF is strongly anisotropic with maximum reflectance
observed in the retro-solar direction, while it is more isotropic for snow. To our knowledge, no simple model
exists in the literature that can be implemented in the ADAM processing tools for treating any combination of
snow/vegetation/soil elements.
Therefore, we have considered two cases for modelling the BRDF of snow pixels:
For pixels exhibiting high reflectance values in the visible, close to those of "pure" snow, we have
considered that the non-snow elements can be neglected. Therefore the ART snow model is applied as
described in TN4.
Otherwise, the surface behaves like a Lambertian surface with constant reflectance values independent of
the viewing direction.
Observation geometries
There is no control that the observation geometry (either the default one proposed in the web interface,
or the one chosen by the user) may correspond to a possible observation configuration for the
pixel/period considered. In particular, there is no relation between the possible range of values of the
sun zenith angle with latitude and time. The user must thus make sure to request a combination of
observation conditions that are physically sound.
In ADAM API Tools, the range of variation for the view zenith angle is set to [-65°; and 65°]. Beyond,
the BRDF models that are used are not validated and are likely to provide unphysical reflectance
The range of variation for the relative azimuth angle is [0°; 360°]. The backward scattering direction
corresponds to 0° while the forward scattering direction corresponds to 180°. The perpendicular plane of
observation is defined for a relative azimuth angle of 90° or 270° (the BRDF models being symmetrical
with respect to the principal plane).
The user has however the possibility to change this variation interval by modifying the standard ADAM
configuration file, but this will be done on his own responsibility.
For the same reason, the maximum value of the illumination zenith angle is limited to 70°. However, the
user may control the behaviour of ADAM outputs when going beyond this threshold value:
either all the reflectance outputs associated to out of range illumination directions are set to
or all the reflectance outputs associated to out of range illumination directions are set to
or all the reflectance outputs associated to out of range illumination directions are set to the
reflectance value that corresponds to the threshold sun zenith angle.
Using the Website
The website you are currently viewing is the primary interface to the ADAM Surface Reflectance Products. The
intended workflow of the website is for the user to:
navigate to a region of interest;
visualise the reflectance for wavebands of interest; and optionally:
perform a download or calculation using customised parameters.
The website is presented in three sections: Map, Map Controls, and Calculation / Download. These sections are
illustrated in the screenshot below, and further described in the Help sections:
The map is an interactive tool presenting the monthly climatology of ADAM surface reflectance data,
pre-calculated in the standard viewing geometry (sun zenith angle at 45°, viewing at nadir), in the 7 MODIS
wavebands as well as in a preselected set of five broad spectral domains.
Map Display Mode
The map can be presented in one of two possible modes:
Colour Composite: where the red, blue and green channels of the map image are derived from the wavebands
defined using the corresponding drop-down menu. Choices for the source of each channel include the seven
individual MODIS band wavebands or the reflectance averaged over predefined broad spectral domains.
Commonly used settings are:
'True Colour'; Red: MODIS 1 (645nm), Green: MODIS 4 (555 nm), Blue: MODIS 3 (469nm)
(Traditional) 'False colour'; Red: MODIS 2 (858 nm), Green: MODIS 1 (645nm), Blue: MODIS 4 (555nm)
Spectral Domain Averaged: where the map is rendered according to a scale for the average across a
spectral domain. The scale is depicted using the well-known 'jet' colour scheme ranging from blue to red for low
to high reflectance respectively. The scale itself can be visualised by expanding the legend in the top right of
the map.
Regardless of the colour display method, the map is presented according to the Plate Carrée (geographical
coordinates) projection. When the map is zoomed to a very local scale the individual pixels of the underlying
database are clearly visible, enabling for calculations to be performed with relative precision.
Coastlines and country boundaries can be added to the map by enabling the 'Coastline and Countries'
Download Map
A map image can be saved locally by using the 'Download Map' button. The map can be downloaded in either
PNG or GeoTiff format. The GeoTiff image is georeferenced, allowing it to be imported into a GIS (Geographical
Information System) and overlayed with other layers. Depending on the browser being used, clicking on the
'Download Map' button will either prompt the user to save the resulting image, or simply present it in a
new window. In the case of the latter, the image can be saved locally by right-clicking on the image and
choosing 'Save Image..' or similar.
Navigating the Map
Navigating the map is performed by selecting the 'Pan and Zoom' tool in the toolbar above the map:
and dragging the map using the mouse. Zooming can
be achieved
either using the mouse-wheel, the zoom buttons in the top left of the map, or by holding down the shift key on
the keyboard whilst dragging a rectangle to quickly specify a precise zone.
Selecting Pixels for a Calculation
Beyond simply presenting the data in the ADAM database, the map also serves as a method for defining a
geographic zone to perform a custom calculation. Defining a zone is performed by enabling the selection tool in
the toolbar above the map: . Once the select
tool is
activated, dragging on the map will result in pixels being highlighted. To navigate the map after making a
selection, the user must click again on the pan tool to
re-enable navigation mode.
Note that the number of pixels that can be selected for calculation operations is limited to 5 x 5
degrees. If the user selects more than the maximum limit an error is displayed and the zone diminished
to the maximum allowable area.
The coordinates of the selected zone are presented in the 'Region of Interest' section in the Calculation
/ Download section, as discussed in the following section in the Help Documentation. The user is able to
manually type coordinates into the top/left/bottom/right boxes to define exact coordinates should they already
have the coordinates of their zone of interest.
Using the Website: Performing a Calculation
As stated earlier, the ADAM website provides a user-friendly interface to the underlying calculation code.
Beyond the visualisation of data via the map, the website allows the user to perform four discrete operations:
Spectrum graph: reflectance spectrum over the spectral domain and in the observation geometry (only 1
viewing direction) selected by the user
BRDF graph: sampling of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function for a single spectral domain
specified by the user (narrow or broad band), either in 2D for a transect along particular plane of
observation (principal plane being the default), or in 3D.
Time series graph: reflectance value for each month, in a narrow or broad band and in the observation
geometry (only 1 viewing direction) selected by the user
The uncertainty on the reflectance calculation is available ONLY for land pixels.
The results for Land, Snow, and Ocean, pixels are presented in separated graphs, except for Time Series graphs
where the distinction is made only for Land and Ocean surfaces.
If 6 or fewer pixels are selected in the region of interest, the reflectance values are plotted for each
individual pixel, resulting in graphs said to be created in 'pixel mode'. If more than 6 pixels are selected,
statistics (minimum, maximum and average reflectance, as well as standard deviation) and they are therefore
presented in 'statistical mode'.
In 'pixel mode', there is a separate graph presented for each land and snow pixel (in order to
ease the interpretation of the reflectance values and associated uncertainty), whereas ocean pixels (for which
no uncertainty is available) are plotted on the same axes.
After a given calculation, the data resulting from the calculation is available for download in NetCDF format
from the 'Download Data' tab, together with the corresponding original ADAM data.
Spectrum Graph
The Spectrum Graph operation results in a graph of the reflectance spectra over the 240-4000 nm domain, for the
defined month and observation and illumination geometry.
To obtain a spectrum graph, ensure that there are pixels selected on the map using the select tool: , choose 'Graph: Spectrum' from the 'Operation'
menu, complete
the neccessary parameters and click 'Submit Request'
As is the case for the BRDF graphs, if 6 or fewer pixels are selected in total, a line is plotted for each
pixel, resulting in graphs said to be created in 'pixel mode'. If more than 6 pixels are selected, statistics
are generated of the minimum, maximum and average reflectance for each of the three surface types: land, ocean
and snow, and they are therefore presented in 'statistical mode'.
In 'pixel mode', there is a separate graph presented for each pixel, whereas ocean and snow pixels are plotted
on the same axes.
As with all the graphing functions, the data resulting from the calculation is available for download in NetCDF
format from the 'Download Data' tab.
An example of a 'statistical mode' spectrum graph is given below.
BRDF Graph
The BRDF Graph works similar to the Spectrum Graph. After selecting a zone on the map and choosing 'Graph:
BRDF', the parameters suitable for the BRDF graph are presented.
Note that for the BRDF display, the View Zenith Angle is sampled between [-65°;6°] with a ° angular step, except
+-1° around the hot spot direction where the angular sampling is enhanced with a 1° step.
BRDF Graphs can be generated either in 2D (for a particular Plane of observation) or in 3D (polar plot).
As with all the graphing functions, the data resulting from the calculation is available
for download in NetCDF format from the 'Download Data' tab.
An example of a 'statistical mode' BRDF graph is given below.
Time Series Graph
The Time Series Graph presents the same information as the normal BRDF graph, but for a
single View Zenith Angle (VZA) and over 12 months.
As with all the graphing functions, the data resulting from the calculation is available
for download in NetCDF format from the 'Download Data' tab.
An example of a 'pixel mode' Time Series graph is given below.
Using the Website: Data Download
In addition to performing calculations and graphs, the user is able to download untreated
data directly from the source ADAM database using the Data Download operation.
The data downloaded corresponds to the month and region selected on the map, and there
is a button for convenience to select the entire globe.
Note that the entire database is several gigabytes in size and the extraction and
preparationa of a large extraction will take some time, please be patient.
Alternatively to selecting a particular month or region, the entire raw ADAM Database
for all months, including support files, can be downloaded
from here.
The entire, raw ADAM Database can also be downloaded in Sinusoidal projection from here.
The Digital Elevation Model including elevation, slope, aspect and hill-shading can be downloaded from here. It is presented in the same resolution as the ADAM data.
The GlobAlbedo Validation Dataset can be downloaded from
Using the Website: Command Line Usage
Normal interaction with the ADAM Website involves a human operator using the graphical user interface with a
mouse and keyboard, entering values into the parameters inputs and clicking submit as required. Advanced users
have requested that certain features of the website be available via command line, making it possible to write
scripts to perform 'batch operations' without the need to perform time-consuming manual repetitive
This approach should not be confused with the API discussed in the following sections of the Help Documentation.
Using the website via the command line allows the user to perform exactly what is available via the website
normally, nothing more. Its sole advantage is that it offers a method for executing repetitive tasks that would
otherwise be performed by performing many calculation/download clicks in the website user interface. The
calculations are always physically performed on the webserver, and there are no further parameters or
functionality beyond those available via the web site when accessed in the normal way. Command line usage of the
website can be thought of as the equivalent to having a team of workers each using the website in the regular
way under your direction, allowing high repeatability but with no extra functionality.
Using the website via the command line requires an understanding of the syntax that the website itself uses to
communicate with the ADAM server. When the user interacts with the website via the command line they are
effectively building the same requests as the website itself, in this way the ADAM server makes no distinction
between the two.
The best method for explaining the syntax is by example, the following text is an example request for performing
a download of ADAM data, and is exactly the same as the request issued by the website when used via the normal
graphical user interface.
Note that this example provides the URL to which the request is submitted
(, and then the various parameters for performing the
'Download' operation type.
The above request can be submitted from your web browser (for example click on it !), or copy and pasted into a
command line used by wget or curl like this: (scroll to the right to see the full line)
For the above wget command the response will be written to the file out.json. The response is a
computer-readable response in JSON format
indicating the location of the resultant data, and the URLs of any graphs that may have been generated. It is
the responsibility of the user to interpret the response and use it as neccessary, presumably launching
subsequent wget / curl requests to download the operation results.
There are libraries available for parsing (=interpreting) the JSON output for all languages, these are
listed at the bottom of the JSON home page.
The following is a second example, this time for a Spectrum Graph request:
The recommended method for performing command line requests is by taking a working request and cutomising it to
suit the requirements. Working requests can be obtained by performing an operation on the website in the normal
way (i.e. via the graphical user interface) and inspecting the Debug Log. In the debug log there is a line
labelled: "received request dictionary:" which lists the various parameters and their values that were submitted
following that request. The dictionary provides a list of parameters and values which can then be modified as
required for incorporation into a command line request.
A screenshot is given below indicating the request parameters given in the Debug Log. These key/value pairs are
identical to those given in the examples above.
The following section, Using the API will discuss the
ability for an advanced user to download the actual code behind the ADAM website onto their own computer,
allowing them to truely customise and extend the ADAM toolkit for maximum flexibility.
Note the technique of initially performing an operation in the website in order to obtain the request dictionary
in the debug log is also applicable when using the API, because the API uses the same dictionary syntax as the
website to define new ADAM jobs.
Using the API (Application Programming Interface)
The calculations performed by the ADAM website are implemented using a purpose-built library written in the
Python programming language. In IT parlance such a library is usually referred to as an API (Application
Programming Interface). The API is in contrast to a GUI (Graphical User Interface), where the user interacts via
graphical widgets such as buttons, menus and lists, and also in contrast to a Command Line Interface where all
functionality is acheived via an operating system shell prompt.
The API allows a user to perform and interpret calculations entirely within the programming environment. This
greatly enhances the efficiency of complex operations by oblivating the need for the exporting / importing of
intermediate data stages and by allowing the user to benefit from the range of external libraries available in
the programming language for visualisation, processing and so on.
It is possible for users to download the API and use it locally on their own computer hardware. This allows for
the extension of ADAM calculation code to meet specific requirements, as well as the ability to launch
computationally intensive operations against powerful local hardware.
Due to its complexity, the API has its own documentation site specialised for users with a programming
background. The API documentation includes instructions on how to download and install the API, descriptions of
its various components, and example scripts illustrating how it can be used.
This film demonstrates the use of the ADAM website. It needs to be redone with a voiceover.
Demonstrational Film: ADAM API
This film demonstrates the use of the ADAM API from the Python development tool Spyder.
It needs to be redone with a voiceover.
ADAM Data Agreement
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes and scientific use only. The
information has been provided by the ADAM project team and ESA/ESTEC (in the following referred to as "we") and
while we endeavour to keep the information available on this web site up-to-date and correct, we make no
representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or availability with
respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for
any purpose.
In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage (including without limitation, indirect or consequential
loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data) or profits arising out of or in
connection with the use of this website.
Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of the ADAM project.
We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not
necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.
Every effort is made to keep the website available and correctly functioning. However, we take no responsibility
for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our
ADAM access
At the first connection, a new user is invited to fill in a sign-up form to request access to the ADAM web
The sign-up form includes mandatory fields (e.g. Firstname, Lastname, Email, Password, Organisation, Intended
that allows the evaluation of the access request. All provided information shall be kept confidential and are
protected by the Privacy policy available on the Login/Sign-up window.
A request for access will be evaluated and treated as quickly as possible, i.e. typically within 1 working day.
The access to the ADAM portal will be denied if it does not comply with the cases of use indicated in the next
section. Please note that it is important to provide a clear explanation of the 'Intended Use' to avoid the
non-authorization of the access.
In the case that access to the ADAM database is not granted, potential users who do not agree with the decision
may request a reassessment by sending an email to, by referring to the ESA contract
number 4000102979.
When access is granted, the connection to the ADAM web portal should be done by using the Login window.
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections
or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts
remain uninfluenced by this fact.
Acknowledgment of ADAM products
The ADAM project must be acknowledged in the following way:
The ADAM products have been collected from the ADAM database ( ), and were produced by the
ADAM team under the European Space Agency (ESA) study contract Nr C4000102979.
ADAM Privacy Policy
Effective Date: March 25, 2019
The purpose of this “Privacy Policy” (the “Policy”) is to inform all concerned data subjects (“You”
about how and why NOVELTIS, as the data controller, collects and uses such Personal Data and about
control such use.
By “Personal Data” (the singular includes the plural and vice-versa) is understood all information
permits identifying a person, either directly (ex: by his or her name, first name or date of birth,
indirectly by reference, as the case may be, to an identification number, or to one or more factors
specific to that person, or else by cross-referencing data.
When Personal Data is “processed” this includes the use, storage, recording, transfer, adaptation,
modification, notification, sharing and destruction of Personal Data as appropriate under the
or as required by law.
We want you to be familiar with how we collect, use and disclose information from and about you because
your concerns about your privacy, and we want to maintain your trust.
This privacy policy describes our practices in connection with information we collect through this
electronic newsletter or other online service operated by us from which you are
accessing this Privacy Policy.
If there is a conflict between this Privacy Policy and your company’s subscription agreement, the
subscription agreement will take precedence.
As described more fully below, we may share your personal data or other information with our
business partners, for the purposes described in this privacy policy.
The list of institutional and business partners displays on the home page.
By using this website, you acknowledge you have read and accept this privacy policy.
This website is professional and general audience sites, and are not targeted to, and do not knowingly
Personal Data from, minors under 16 years of age.
We collect Personal Data to offer services you have requested or that we have a legitimate interest to
believe are of
interest to our customers, to manage the relationships we have with our customers and partners, and to
activities based on your consent.
We may collect the following information from and about you:
a. Personal data
"Personal Data" for purposes of this privacy policy is the information that identifies you as an
relates to an identifiable person.
b. Personal data you submit
We collect Personal Data when you submit it to us, such as when you register for or subscribe to this
a profile.
The Personal Data you submit may include your email address.
c. Personal data we receive from third parties
To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may receive Personal Data about you from third parties,
such as
Institutional and business partners. The personal data we receive from third parties may include your
name, last-name, email address, organisation and country.
d. Other information
"Other Information" is any information that is not intended to reveal your specific identity to us, such
information, usage data, information collected through cookies and other technologies, demographic
geolocation data obtained with your consent are required by applicable law, and aggregated information.
e. Other information you submit
We collect other information when you submit it to us. This may include your occupation, and interests.
We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services.
Other information We receive from third parties. We may receive other information about you from third
including, for example, demographic data, information about your interests, and information about your
activities on other websites.
Other information collected automatically our services use cookies and other tracking technologies to
effectively and deliver certain features. For more information about how we use cookies and tracking
technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.
We may use the Personal Data we collect from and about you for the purposes set forth below.
We may use and disclose other Information for any purpose, except if it is considered Personal Data under
law. If we combine other information with your Personal Data, we treat the combined information as
To improve the quality of our products and services and to present products and offers tailored to
you, we may
combine the Personal Data and Other Information we collect with information relating to your use of
NOVELTIS products, services and websites. In addition, we may supplement the Personal Data and Other
we collect with information from Institutional and business partners.
a. To provide, measure and improve our products and services
We use the information we collect from and about you to provide our products and services and features to
To process and fulfil your subscription
To create and manage your accounts, to send you information about your relationship or transactions
To measure and improve those services and features
To provide you with customer support and to respond to inquiries
b. To contact you
We may periodically send promotional information, with your permission are required, or
to our services.
To help make this promotional information more relevant to you, we may use and combine any of the
Data and
Other Information we collect.
If you want to stop receiving these promotional informational, you can unsubscribe it. We may also use
Data and Other Information we collect, to respond to inquiries or requests you make to us.
We may use your Personal Data as we believe to be necessary or appropriate in order to:
Protect, enforce, or defend the legal rights, privacy, safety, or property of NOVELTIS, our
and business partners
Protect the safety, privacy, and security of users of our services
Comply with and enforce the law or legal process, including laws outside your country of residence,
contractual obligations, and our policy; or respond to requests from public and government
including public and government authorities outside your country of residence, to the extent
by applicable law
We may share your Personal Data with one another, as well as with affiliates for the purposes described
Privacy Policy, including for each company’s marketing purposes if you have consented to such use.
Users who visit affiliates services should still refer to their separate privacy policies, which may
in some
respects from this Privacy Policy. We are the party responsible for the management of the jointly used
Data. In addition, we may share your Personal Data with non-affiliated third parties when sharing is
by you or authorised by this Privacy Policy, as follows:
To manage corporate and third-party subscriptions If your subscription is provided in whole or in
your employer or other third party, we may share with them information about your access to and use
your subscription. When providing this information, we may reveal limited amounts of your Personal
such as your name or email address
To allow third-party service providers, to assist us in providing and managing our services. We may
your personal data available to certain third-party service providers, such as contractors,
who help us manage or provide our products and services by, for example developing or supporting
products and features; sending email messages on our behalf; processing payments; fulfilling orders;
delivering subscriptions; auditing; and processing data or statistics. These third-party service
providers are required to protect personal data entrusted to them and not use it for any other
than the specific service they are providing on our behalf
To protect the rights of NOVELTIS and others. There may be instances when we may disclose your
data, including situations where we have a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary in
to: protect, enforce, or defend the legal rights, privacy, safety, or property of NOVELTIS, our
affiliates and contractors (including enforcement of our agreements and our terms of use); protect
safety, privacy, and security of users of our products and services or members of the public;
against fraud and other unlawful activities or for risk management purposes; comply with and enforce
law or legal process, including laws outside your country of residence, contractual obligations, and
policies; or to respond to requests from public and government authorities, including public and
government authorities outside your country of residence, to the extent permitted by applicable law
To complete a merger or sale of assets if NOVELTIS sells all or part of its business or assets or is
otherwise involved in a merger, reorganization, dissolution, liquidation, or transfer of all or part
its business, as part of that transaction NOVELTIS may transfer your information to the party or
and their advisors involved in the transaction
We use a combination of technical, administrative, personnel and physical measures to safeguard Personal
in its
possession against accidental, unlawful or unauthorised loss, use, access, disclosure or modification.
We make reasonable efforts to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of the processing,
account the costs of implementation and nature of the processing of Personal Data. However, no one can
the complete safety of your information.
If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please contact us.
We will retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this
unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law.
For Personal Data communicated via the contact or request for demo forms, such data is only kept for the
necessary for the processing and proper handling of your request and no longer than six (6) months after
date of collection, unless you have given your express consent that such data be used for the purpose of
receiving email communications on NOVELTIS, its solutions, products, services and events, and being
for surveys, for sales prospections and/or solicitations.
More generally, for clients who are individuals or individuals acting as legal representatives of legal
having dealings with our website, Personal Data is erased no later than five (5) years from the date of
of the business relationship between the client and NOVELTIS, subject to any shorter periods provided by
applicable legislation depending on the type of data and purposes of collection.
Similarly, Personal Data of individuals who have agreed to receive commercial solicitation is erased no
three (3) years after the date of Your latest business interest in NOVELTIS’ product, services or
subject to any shorter periods provided by applicable legislation depending on the type of data
You may, at any time, unsubscribe from all NOVELTIS communications, on the website, accessible directly
through a
link provided in each email communication.
a. Your Choices Regarding Our Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Data
Your principal rights are:
The right to access
The right to rectification
The right to erasure
The right to restrict processing
The right to data portability (European Economic Area (“EEA”) only)
The right to complain to a supervisory authority
The right to withdraw consent
b. How to access, correct, erase or update Your Personal Data
You can access, review, correct, update, delete or modify your registration or subscription profile
information and
modify your marketing preferences by contacting our Customer Support (contact information provided
For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the Personal Data associated with the
email address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before
your request.
We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable.
Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes and/or to complete
transactions you began prior to requesting such change or deletion.
a. Privacy Policy Updates
We may periodically update this Privacy Policy without prior notice to reflect changes in our practices.
Please look at the effective date at the top of this Privacy Policy to see when it was last revised.
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when we post in this website.
We will notify you by posting a notice indicating we have updated this Privacy Policy.
Your use of this website and services or your provision of Personal Data to us following these changes
acknowledge you have read and accept the revised Privacy Policy.
b. Transfers
Your Personal Data may be stored, transferred to, and processed in any country where we have facilities
or in
we engage service providers. These countries may be outside your country of residence, including the
States, and may have different data protection laws than in your country.
If you are located in the European-Union, we will implement appropriate safeguards to protect your
Data as
required if we transfer it outside of the European-Union.
c. Linked Services
We may be linked to sites operated by third parties, and may offer content, functionality, applications
developed and
maintained by third parties. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any such third parties,
once you leave this website, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the other service.
This website is owned and operated by NOVELTIS.
We are registered France under registration 420 805 152, and our registered office is at 153, rue du Lac
31670 LABEGE
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or how we or our service providers handle your personal
contact our customer support at
Or you may write to: NOVELTIS – Privacy - 153, rue du Lac - 31670 LABEGE - FRANCE
Please do not disclose any sensitive Personal Data when contacting us (e.g., information related to
racial or
origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, …).
If you are located in the European-Union, the entity responsible for the collection and processing of
Personal Data
is NOVELTIS (contact information provided above).
NOVELTIS is subject to applicable European legislation on personal data protection, and in particular
Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (“GDPR”), and to any national legislation adopted
application thereof, on a subsidiary basis, and which might apply depending on the circumstances.
We will respond to your questions and complaints about our processing of your Personal Data. If you are
with our response, you can contact a supervisory authority.
NOVELTIS operational headquarters being located in France, the lead supervisory authority for its
the European Union is the French Data Protection Authority (Commission
Nationale de l'Informatique et des
Libertés or (“CNIL”).
ADAM Cookie Policy
Effective Date: March 25, 2019
We want you to be familiar with how we collect, use and disclose information from and about you because we
respect your concerns about privacy, and we want to maintain your trust. We and our service providers
information by automated means when you visit, access, or use this website that link to this Cookie Policy.
We collect information through cookies, web beacons, web server logs, Java Script,
and other tracking technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to deliver and improve our website, and to display
relevant content, products, and services.
A cookie is a small text file that is sent to and stored on your computer or other internet connected device
identify your browser or store information. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work in
better, more efficient way. A web beacon links web pages to servers and may be used to transmit information
collected through cookies back to a web server. Other tracking technologies such as Java Script, or web
server logs allow us to use invisible images or code on our services, or data from our web server logs, to
analytics insights.
The information we obtain through the use of Cookies may include information about your computer, device, and
browser, such as your IP address, browser, operating system and device characteristics, language
referring URLs, and actions taken by you on our website such as what content you visited, whether you have
this website before, dates and times you access to this website, and other software or hardware information.
This website use Cookies to function effectively. For example, Cookies can recognize you and remember
information that will make your use of a website more convenient such as by remembering your login status
user preferences. We use information we obtain through the use of Cookies to enhance our products and
Below we list the different types of Cookies we may use on this website.
a. Strictly Necessary Cookies
These Cookies are essential to this website order to facilitate our authentication, registration or log-in
and enable you to navigate and use the features of the website. Without these Cookies, you may not be able
take full advantage of our services or features, and this website will not perform as smoothly for you as we
would like. Strictly Necessary Cookies on this website may include:
Cookie name
Further information
Encrypted user session identifier
Cookie token for account security
b. Analytics Cookies.
Statistics on the performance of this website which enable us to improve the way they work. Analytics Cookies
information such as your IP address, type of device, operating system, referring URLs, country information,
and time of page visits, and pages visited. The information allows us to see the overall patterns of usage
this website, and help us record any difficulties you have.
Analytics Cookies on this website may include:
Cookie name
Further information
'_pk_id', '_pk_ses'
Cookies useful for monitoring analytics from Matomo (Piwik)
In some circumstances, we may work with third parties to support this website. For example, we use analytics
supported by third parties who generate Analytics Cookies on our behalf. We may not have access to these
Cookies, although we may use statistical information arising from the Cookies provided by these third
parties to
customise content and for other purposes described above. These companies may also transfer this information
other parties where required to do so by law, or where such other parties process the information on their
However, we may not control these third-party Cookies and their use may be governed by the policies of the
third- parties employing these Cookies. To learn about these third-party Cookies and how to manage them,
refer to the relevant policies on the third party’s website.
You can stop Cookies from being downloaded to your device from this website at any time by selecting the
settings in your browser. Most browsers will tell you how to change your browser settings to notify you when
Cookie is being set or updated, or to restrict or block certain types or all Cookies.
Please consult the "Help" section of your browser for more information.
Your device settings may also allow you to prohibit mobile app platforms (such as Apple or Google) from
certain information obtained by automated means with us.
If you make updates to your browser or device settings, or use an online link to opt out of Cookies, those
apply to the device where you made the changes. Please note that by disabling or blocking any or all
some features of this website may not operate as intended, or you may not have access to features or
personalisation available through this website.
If you have questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact our support at
Or you may write to: NOVELTIS – Privacy - 153, rue du Lac - 31670 LABEGE - FRANCE
NOVELTIS is subject to applicable European legislation on personal data protection, and in particular General
Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (“GDPR”), and to any national legislation adopted in
application thereof, on a subsidiary basis, and which might apply depending on the circumstances.
We will respond to your questions and complaints about our processing of your Personal Data. If you are not
with our response, you can contact a supervisory authority.
NOVELTIS operational headquarters being located in France, the lead supervisory authority for its activities
the European Union is the French Data Protection Authority (Commission
Nationale de l'Informatique et des
Libertés or (“CNIL”).
ADAM - Intellectual and industrial property rights for the contents
Effective Date: March 25, 2019
The contents of this web site are copyrighted. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The copyrights are owned by NOVELTIS or the original creator of the material or data.
This website may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be
and followed.
NOVELTIS is the holder of all the intellectual property rights regarding the contents of the website,
this being
deemed to mean all the designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source codes), as
well as the different elements included on the website (texts, images, photos, colours, etc.),
structure, order, etc.
The trademarks and trade names (“distinctive signs”) are owned by NOVELTIS.
The use of the website by users does not imply the assignment of any intellectual or industrial property
The user is categorically prohibited from reproducing, copying, distributing, providing or, in any other
publicly disclosing, converting or modifying the contents or the distinctive signs, unless it has
obtained authorisation from the holder of the corresponding rights, or if it is legally allowed.
Limitation of liability
Effective Date: March 25, 2019
Information on this website are provided on "as is" and "as available" basis.
In no event will NOVELTIS be liable to any party of any direct, indirect, special, incidental or other
damages arising out of the use or the inability to use this web site or on any other hyperlinked web site.
includes, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss or program or other data on your
information handling system or otherwise, even if we were expressly advised of the possibility of such
While NOVELTIS attempts to provide accurate information on this website, it assumes no responsibility for
accuracy or
Information on this web site may contain errors, inaccuracies, be incomplete or become out of date.
While our web site may contain links to sites on the Internet that are owned or operated by third parties,
is not responsible for the content of any linked sites.
By linking to such third-party sites, you shall review and agree to that site's rules of use before using
such site.
Such links are provided for your convenience and easy accessibility only and does not imply endorsement by
NOVELTIS is not responsible for the contents of any linked site.
NOVELTIS expressly disclaims any duty to correct, supplement or update any such statement or information.
may be changed, updated or suppressed without notice.
NOVELTIS may also make improvements and/or changes in the products described in this information at any time